Thursday, July 23, 2009


semalam ika datang opis aku sebab dia boring tak de kelas seharian... makanye ..panjang lah langkah kami .. maklum partner-in-crime ade di sisi...

aku jemput dia kat subang parade time lunch ... dia sibuk nak kuarkan duit kat ATM .... sekali tu..

"anyah(panggilan manja aku yek) .. aku dapat duit palsu" dengan muka cuak gilozzz...

"haaa.. duit palsu?? .. mane?? mane???"

sekali dia tunjuk duit note RM50 baru ...

"ni duit rupiah ke ni?? kenape atm tu kasik aku duit palsu"

sumber dari

wakakakakaka... gelak goling-goling aku tauuu... ape punyek pe-raq lah si ika ni kan..... rasanye dah lama duit note RM50 ni kuarkan.. tapi baru-baru ni jek meriah kat atm .. kuar jek dapat duit baru .. maklum nak raya kan jadinye banyak la duit baru-baru ... tu yang ika panik semacam tu ... kesian ko kaa...

sikit info pasal note baru RM50 ni (Source from

Bank Negara has issued the new RM50 note which is believe to be more modernize and security innovative which aimed to encounter counterfeiting. On top of the existing security features which are designed for public verification, the new design of RM50 has an enhanced security features, which are:

The Colour Shifting Security Thread which replaces the sxieting security thread and is embedded in the paper. The The thread appears on the reverse side of the note as coloured intermittent lines. When held against light, it is seen as a continuous dark coloured line and the repeated text of BNM RM50 can be read. When the note is tilted, the colour of the thread changes from red to green and vice versa. Under ultra-violet light, the repeated text of BNM RM50 will fluoresce yellow and the thread is seen as a continuous fluorescent yellow line when the banknote is viewed from the obverse.

The Two-Coloured Fluorescent Elements which is an additional invisible printed feature on the reverse of the note. Under ultra-violet light, a complex design two-colour numeral 50 will fluoresce.


Kaleidoscope said...

kekek..cantik gak duit tuh. Frankly speaking, saya pun tak pernah dtg langsung note RM50 camtuh..kot jumpa first time, mau gayat gak..tapi kurang sikit dari dak ika lah..miahahaha

Farah said...


kelakar.... muka dia dah cuak giloe time tu .. maklum student.. sekali kuar duit dapat duit tipu.. cam panik gak dia..

yg akak kelakar .. dia buleh cakap duit rupiah ... dah terang2 gambar agong kat situ

Lady Hannah said...

bagidol betullah adik ko ni nyah!!!ada lak duit palsu kuar kat mesin ATM.wakakakaka....

Farah said...

na.. adik ko tu memang dah tahap badigol so-ot

zalykha mohd said...

dodol ko kek na..
aku nye ayat yg sbnrnye ialah mcm nie dol...
"anyah2.....aku dpt duit rupiah"
bkn duit palsu ok